Personal Note: In recent years, I’ve come to the realization that the more one focuses on how to generate steady cash flow – independent of one’s physical effort – the more the attainment of TRUE financial freedom becomes plausible. Not only does it “miraculously” make available more hours, every day, to THINK productively regarding our personal finances, but it also helps us to curb our often “insatiable” thirst for aggressive or even sometimes unrealistic expectations regarding Return On Investment (ROI), which usually results in “financial-despair” or resignation to so-called “fate.”
In this article, Ted Ciuba tells us more about the leverage of non-physical-effort-dependent cash flow.
Please NOTE I’m yet to know much about Ted’s resources.By []Ted Cuba
You really can't blame people for getting it all screwed up. They have been taught that way, and we are social animals and we learn from our environment - I mean, this is nature. However, it's just numerically the case that they were born in that relationship, in that family, in that city, in that society. The truth is absolutely different.
What am I referring to? I am referring to how you're taught and trained to get a job; taught, trained and educated to get a job.
And you're taught, trained and educated that you can get a better job if you want to make more money and have more of the comforts of life, when in fact there isn't a job that will ever do it for you. A job, which some people say is an acronym for "just over broke," is, as a matter of fact, what most people are.
What are we talking about? This: it means being in business for yourself. But not just any business. Many business "owners" simply traded their job for a "pay yourself last" chain around their neck.. That could be worse than a job. You've got to get away from trading hours for dollars.
"Oh, this is a good job. It pays $20 an hour." (Adjust this figure for your own location and time.)
You think so? Hey, on an eight-hour day that's $160. Now, you can convert that to your own currency, but then by the time you pay 40-50% to the tax person, that ain't a good job!
And what are you going to do? Are you going to put in a little bit of overtime? How much can you do, and how much do you want to do? You've got to think leverage. You've got to think multiplication.
What can you do, for instance, like a rock star or an information marketer, just once and have it sell over and over again? What can you create, in the Internet Age of course, that's digital and when you sell it anywhere in the world, you've still got it and you can sell it again?
Think multiplication, think leverage, think like a business owner. Think, what can you leverage?
You can be sure that Henry Ford, had he stayed an employee instead of employing thousands and thousands... You can be sure that Andrew Carnegie, had he stayed an employee instead of employing thousands and thousands... Neither would never have found the leverage and gone on to the great wealth and benefit they brought to the world.
It is no discredit to be an employee if you're getting educated, getting motivated, determining the insight, creating a strategy to get out of it. Think leverage. Think multiplication. Think, what can you do once - design a system, patent something, copyright something - then have it sell forever or a long time? What can you get other people's money to do for you?
Think, think, think like a businessperson. Financial literacy comes into the life of every person who achieves success. No, you don't have to keep the books. No, you don't have to do all the micro-managing... But you've got to be involved. The business depends on the direction and the energy that you give it. That being the case, jump in!
Ted Ciuba, "living legend" and bestselling author of []TheNEWThinkandGrowRich, Ted Ciuba is one of the world's top human potential trainers. He helps people find, define, and actualize their passions to transmute their intangible desires into real money. To find out more about Ciuba, how he can help you, and to collect $297 worth of free gifts visit []
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