Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What is the Definition of Financial Freedom?

Personal Note: This is a very insightful article by Duane. I believe it addresses the truth that the moment we realize our happiness or sense of fulfillment is only defined by our inmost desires – which are unique from one individual to another – the same moment we begin the quest toward becoming independent thinkers. In short, only we ourselves can sincerely determine whether we are achieving (or have achieved) our personal finance goals, or not – A role that offers us limitless privileges as well as limitless challenges.

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Duane_Hatfield]Duane Hatfield

For many people the definition of financial freedom is the position in life where they think all their money problems are over. Is that truly when financial freedom is achieved? As we have all seen with those who win the lottery or receive a large inheritance, they usually return to the monetary place they were before their windfall.

So as we have noted from the actions of others it's not the amount of money that gives freedom but something more. Something that causes whatever amount we have achieved, when we achieve it, to satisfy the little voice in our heads that tells us our needs are or will be met. The point where we don't feel threatened with the loss of our situation or position in life.

From the thoughts above we now have an understanding that all freedom, not only financial, is based on an inner peace that passes understanding. We don't know why we feel that peace or comfort, we only know it exists. Striving to accomplish that peace is the driving force in people's lives. It causes all of us to stretch our boundaries and reach for the unreachable dream. The secret goals we only admit to ourselves because others may consider them above our ability.

Another reason we have satisfaction is our mindset. When we have done our very best and the benefits of that labor is manifest, at least in our own beings, we have the contentment of a job well done. And no matter what anyone else's opinion may be we still have the satisfaction it was our best. We all suffer from the desire to please and be accepted by others and usually our dreams are what suffer. Our personal drive is stifled and the force of purpose within us is buried under our submission to someone else.

There is no shame in working hard and having dreams, only know the reaching of your point of freedom will be accomplished within yourself and not on the outward rewards.

Written By Duane Hatfield

Visit me on Facebook http://www.DUANEHATFIELD.INFO

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Duane_Hatfield http://EzineArticles.com/?What-is-the-Definition-of-Financial-Freedom?&id=3261231

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