Personal Note: In this article, Chris talks about the place of goal-setting in becoming financially intelligent. From a viewpoint, it’s arguable that we first need to become financially intelligent to be able to set informed personal finance goals; but “digging deeper,” we would realize that, while the above statement is true, we also become financially intelligent only by taking the first baby-step in setting financial goals and refusing to stop setting them regardless of how many times we “stumble” – a cyclical process, so to speak.
By []Chris Parkins
Financial Intelligence is a matter of retraining yourself to make your money work for you instead of just spending it. You can have all the luxuries in the world, but without a means to make your money work then all you will have is a bunch of stuff you may have to sell later down the road. You can have all the assets, but unless they are working for you they may be worth little. Understanding how the financial system works will help when you plan goals.
When beginning to plan your goal think about what you can do that will result in the financial goals you want to achieve. Will this idea continue to make you money in the future or it is a passing fancy? It is also important to think of the liabilities you have and those that you may face along the way. By having a clear picture laid out you are able to adjust to situations as they arise and act in a positive manner.
People who are successful have a clear goal in mind. They are focused and have thought out their plan so that they can see the final results. They also have the drive and determination it takes to accomplish these goals. When you create a plan to achieve your goals, whether you start with planning a day ahead or a month down the road you are stepping toward obtaining your dream.
There are several traits that will help you become financially intelligent. This includes thinking creatively. This is an invaluable asset, in which you are able to creatively solve the challenges you face. If this means stepping up when you realize no one else has a clue what to do, then so be it.
Once you have set your goals and you know what must be done and you will have to negotiate with others in order to succeed. By learning to negotiate it means you will never take no for an answer, and will succeed by working together with others to accomplish your goal.
In order to be successful you also need to know how to communicate. You will find that not everyone thinks the same way you do, so learning to communicate to a wide audience is important. And, part of being a good communicator is the ability listen, and then you will be able to respond appropriately to the situation.
Another key trait is to never let your emotions get the best of you. If you are faced with a difficult situation you need to remain focused and consciously be able to respond to the event. Flying of the handle and getting mad can be considered unprofessional and will accomplish nothing except showing you cannot handle the situation.
Being financially intelligent is a way of rearranging your thoughts to see the world in a new way. Once you have determined your path and goals, then you will need to market them. You will have an advantage over your competition because your will know how to communicate your goals, and the benefits of working with you.
Just as with your health, it is wise to seek the advice of a professional when you have questions about your educational and financial well being.
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Article Source: [] How to Become Financially Intelligent in the 21st Century
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