Personal Note: One mystery in life is how we are able to condition our minds – consciously or unconsciously – to create the reality we desire or fear. Just as I believe Mike tries to explain in this insightful article, we attract the things we believe in: somehow, we strive toward or succumb to a certain lifestyle – whether we crave it or not – when we believe that is what we deserve. We can always increase our level of self-worth when we consistently try to do right and create value.
Karma, though much related to Hinduism and Buddhism, is a widely accepted principle of life and as Mike alluded to, it’s also experienced in our personal finances.By []Mike Suggs
People are basically good. So why do so many of us work ourselves to the bone and still have trouble making ends meet? This article teaches you what money is and why you may never have enough. Once you understand it, you'll never again have to be without it.
Did you know that Karma is much more about what you do to yourself than about what you do to others? Karma is simply receiving into your life a reflection of what you have been projecting. But you project onto yourself long before you project onto life around you!
Why? Because you are basically good and you will condemn yourself to a much worse fate than anyone else could care to bestow upon you.
Whenever you do anything that you know in your heart is wrong or unjust you subconsciously booby trap yourself to prevent goodness from entering your life.
Such is the case with money. Money is nothing more than an idea wrapped inside of an agreement.
The idea is that instead of hauling around our goods to exchange for things we need, we will use money with which to trade. Money is easy to carry around.
The agreement is that money has value and will be a universally acceptable means of exchange for goods and services.
When you receive goods or services in exchange for your promise to pay, you become party to a solemn understanding. If you don't pay when promised or pay less than promised or don't pay at all the system breaks down.
If you don't honor your end of the solemn agreement, you will at that very moment subconsciously set yourself up to making sure you receive less money in the future. Why? Because you are basically good and in your heart you know that you committed an injustice.
You will feel that you don't deserve money. That's the computation you subconsciously make and with it you will, all by yourself, sabotage your ability to receive money into your life. You will unwittingly take measured steps to prevent money from entering your life and that is the Curse of Karma.
Chronically miss payments on credit cards and you will erect another dam in your river of money. Take on debt that in your heart you know you shouldn't and you will punish yourself by attracting less and less money into your life.
People who seem to always have plenty of money have at least this in common: They honor their agreements when it comes to money and they spend within their means. They are able to pay their obligations not because they do have money, but because they don't breach the solemn understanding regarding money and therefore always attract enough of it to pay their obligations.
The next time you wonder why more money isn't coming into your life think about this: Do you have a history of not honoring your agreements regarding money or in generally giving less in value than you receive? If your answer is "Yes", then be assured that on some level you feel you don't deserve money and you will sabotage your ability to attract it.
Here's what you can do: On a daily basis focus your thoughts on asking for enlightenment or guidance to these questions:
1. How can I make myself more valuable?
2. How can I provide more value to others and improve their lives?
3. How can I give more value at work?
When you get your answer(s), dive in and deliver value in abundance beyond what is expected of you. Then, remember what caused it and enact firm policy in your life to make sure it never ends!
Summary: To grow a fat bank account, keep your word regarding money, spend within your means and deliver value in abundance.
by Mike Suggs
© Mike Suggs - All Rights Reserved
The material in this article is from Chapter 10 of my 100 page ebook "Better Believe It!". Help me with my research by
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Article Source: [] The Curse of Karma and How to Turn Your Bank Account Into a River of Money